New York State Association of
Early Childhood Teacher Educators
Membership in NYS Association of Early Childhood Teacher Educators gives early childhood teacher educators a platform to connect on issues, policies, and trends relevant to our field.
The NYS Association of Early Childhood Teacher Educators sponsors the annual conference and works to celebrate and support early childhood faculty in New York State.
Join your state organization and network with your peers, participate in our annual conference, and help grow the organization to support early childhood teacher preparation in New York.
NYSAECTE Membership is for a calendar year and dues are as follows:
$25 for professionals
$5 for graduate students
Submit a membership form below and mail a check (made out to NYSAECTE) to:
Dr. Claudine Campanelli
NYSAECTE Treasurer
PO Box 224
Great River, NY 11739
Please note: This application is for New York State Chapter membership; national dues are collected separately.
Thank you for renewing or joining NYSAECTE!